What do the lines making a circle around the low-pressure area indicate?

1.The values cannot be added because one is measuring area and the other is measuring volume.

2.The values can be added without making a conversion of units because they both measure area. *

3.The values can be added after making a conversion of units because they both measure area.

4.The values cannot be added because one is measuring area and the other is measuring mass.

read my name :) the answer is in there

Can the values be added or subtracted? If one value needs to be converted to another, describe the conversion.

19.75 in² + 26.2 in³


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To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the units being discussed and their compatibility. The question mentions a low-pressure area and lines making a circle around it.

Based on this information, option 2 seems to be the most reasonable choice. It states that the values can be added without making a conversion of units because they both measure area. This suggests that the lines making a circle represent an area.

However, to be absolutely sure, we can take a closer look at the given options:

1. The option mentions that the values cannot be added because one is measuring area and the other is measuring volume. This does not match the context of the question, as it talks about lines and circles around a low-pressure area, not volumes.

2. This option suggests that the values can be added without conversion because they both measure area. Considering the given context, this seems like the most suitable choice.

3. The option proposes that the values can be added after making a conversion of units because they both measure area. However, no information is provided that would suggest the need for unit conversion.

4. This option claims that the values cannot be added because one is measuring area and the other is measuring mass. Again, this does not align with the context of lines representing an area around a low-pressure area.

Therefore, option 2, "The values can be added without making a conversion of units because they both measure area," appears to be the correct answer.