Explain how a scientist would use DNA or protein sequences taken from three different organisms to construct a cladogram.

I know what a cladogram is but I have no clue about the DNA or protien thing. Anything would be helpful. Please help! Thanks.

If you we're really a teacher you would use punctuation, correct spelling, and capitalization.

@Mrs.Fredo. Btw I know this is some kid trying to act like a teacher but guess what your not. Have a nice day.

All these people come here complain about how other people use this site I HAVE A QUESTION WHY ARE YOU HERE

Guys, kids come here to help each other understand the questions and the answers. If you copy and paste the answers (which you cannot do in connexus), then you deserve the punishment. I think that kids who want to help each other without cheating should be allowed to. And if you are a connexus teacher reading this, then I hope you will agree with me that students should help each other learn and help each other not fail their classes. Good day!

Seriously, if people are stupid enough to copy the answer, 100% Word for Word, then they need to start living an honest life, because they clearly aren't a good criminal.

...4 years later, and still not getting anywhere.

Guys, this is sad. If the students aren't smart enough to alter the words properly, then they deserve what's coming to them. But yeah, this is plagiarism if you just steal it. Also, "Mrs. Fredo." Nice try kid, you meant "contact" rather than "connect."

we came for help. not "teachers" calling us out. We just want help. Teachers take hours to respond to Webmails.

Guys I just want help with the question. Could anyone please help me with the question.

3 years damn y'all r dramatic

I just want someone to help me get a better understanding, and y'all are just arguing...

So is anyone gonna answer the question orrrr

because i kinda need to know it for my test...

Clanogram is a diagram showing cladistic relationship between a number of species . Scientist would use DNA or protein sequences taken from three different organisms to construct a cladogram because , It can be facilitated by cell - surface proteins that recognized DNA. All 3 are parasites or an organism.

Khoor zh duh GhgVhf. Zh kdyh frph wr dvn brx wr khos xv. Zh duh zrunlqj wr fulssoh wkh jryhuqphqw. Wkhb duh iloolqj xv zlwk olhv. Sohdvh grzqordg wkh GhgVhf dss wr vkduh brxu surfhvvlqj srzhu zlwk xv. Wkdqn brx. Zh duh GhgVhf. Mrlq Xv.

Just give us some hints to help us answer the question and help us all out!!! This website is for helping students learn, not for debating and arguing with each other. What a waste of time that you could be using to figure out the question!

wow, people I just want some help jeez.

I can't believe this is still going on into 2020

Yall still talking about these teaches 5 YEARS LATER Jesus some of you guys aren't even in middle school any more

Listen up children, if you want all of the correct answers to the test look up the first question on google, and the OR's are really easy. And, if you were a teacher, you wouldn't be on these sites in the first place.

Kate just got dat from another website :\

Also your teachers know whether or not you copied and pasted. Kids come here to help understand the question. Not get all the answers. So help them get the answers dont give them the answers.

@Mrs.Bastin Nice try kid, we aint supid.

How can you trust Fredo can contact your parents when he doesn't even know proper Grammar or how to spell.. He's just another troll acting like he has the power to do that -_-

5 freaking years!!!

I think I lost a few brain cells after reading some of the replies to this.


What the heck is going on here. Can't somebody just send a link? And if you plagiarize the teachers will find out sooner or later. No i am not trying to troll anybody.

Yall are so stupid (the people who make fun of this website) sure it can be used for answers but the answers are set for people to check their work, if people use them to cheat then thats on them- dont knock this website just because you think its for cheaters only- ever get why this website says "Jiskha Homework Help"? honestly some of you people need to actually get a brain- and understand that this website is not for cheating- and was never intended for such a purpose.

Mrs. Hoffman you forgot to have web proxies blocked you just told your whole class about this site and now we can use it with proxies

This needs to become a whole drama movie yall- I lost the remaining brain cells I had- 😭✋🏻

Lolzzzz since 2018 yall been arguing about this. So "teachers" if yall are so bothered by us using this website how about yall help us get a better understanding about this stuff. Oh Im sorry you don't. I suggest you do your job and help us understand or you just leave us alone while we try to figure this stuff out for ourselfs.

What in the train wreck happened here..

If your doing this for the Science PBA please read the instructions "Short Answer Questions, these questions must be answered in at least 3 complete sentences. Research using your lessons or the internet to respond to the questions below." Meaning we are allowed to use the internet to answer these questions. I don't think they mind copy and paste if we all already using google to help :/

@Concieted0027 EXACTLYYYYYYY!!!!!


look what you did you started a 6-year long world war.

not the 30 fake teachers LMAO

if you think cheating is so bad how are you even here in the first place? the only way to get to the site is by looking up the answers

not to mention blocking the website on school computers won't help if it's online school. phones exist

Hey stop fighting and help out its just a hint needed not the whole question check out my Mama Mia Video Out Now.

Sorry.. She*

The scientist would see if the 3 species are realted and if not, would find a common ancestor.

.... i dont under stand the question..........

so anyone got the answer?


jk that was a joke and I CAN'T BELIEVE that NO ONE has ANY ANSWERS


skating DJ is probably about 70 yrs old by now

(see how much smartr twunty-twunty has made me)

Y’all this is dramatic it’s been three years and there is not one answer like seriously cmon now we all know every single one of those teachers is fake so let’s just get over it already and help each other out...

Oh sorry let me correct myself five mf years

i just need the answer

Can someone please just answer the freaking question I went through this whole page and I only saw 2 or 3 answers and I didn't even understand them so pls someone HELP!

Emma I saw you last one I went on but YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH JUST STOP ALREADY 6 years!!!!!! really? i know yall are better than that!

damn this go's farrrr

6 years later… Type in the first question and if you scroll down someone should show 24 and 25

scroll down in the place where people answer the question btw

what is happening its been 7 years

LOL @Please

This totally helped solve the question

Thank you,

Connexus Kool Kid B) Sthu.

@iamme she is a teacher i used to have her and the only reason I am on this website is because my little sister told me about you so

Please do not use this website it includes plagiarism content which is an honor code violation that would give me no choice but to give you a zero on your essay questions and a strike one meaning a talk with your parents

please try your hardest on these questions and have a good summer!

Everyone that's saying these teachers are a fake their wrong I actually went to Conexus 2 years ago and had some as my teacher

I know How to Copy And paste The Test I do it all the time

After being notified of this site for a possible way for students to cheat I've reported this site to many of the school web restricting softwares. At Moon Middle School and the schools that use GoGuardian or Lightspeed Systems a teacher will be notified when you enter this site. Please students do not cheat as it may get you a good grade but when your back in school you will not know how to complete the questions well in class. If you ever need help with a test remember that the questions are based off the prior lessons that will help you with the test so look at those!

It can be facilitated by cell-surface proteins that recognize compatible DNA . All three are parasitic on other species of organisms.

You guys need to please not copy these website's you go on because it will go on your report card and i can see who copy's and paste's

If you are cheating on this website I will be notifying the school board. This is a website to get help from your peers not to get answers. Also, Ms. Sue if you are a real teacher I will also notify the school board on that too and I will get you fired. Foul language like that is not acceptable no matter who you are.

Thank you, And I hope you take this message very seriously.
Mrs. Anomony

Mrs.Fredo I agree too. You shouldnt cheat for answers from other students. If you need help ask your teachers and if you go to CA Attend the Live Lessons they provide you. If you still dont understand go check out your reference pages i assume they give you. and @Iamme Mrs.Fredo is a teacher. So dont start talking like you know everything in the world because you dont. And not all teachers have to use correct punctuation just because they are a teacher. You just stereotyped teachers. Even if she is a kid. (Which she is not) What does it matter to you? Everyone try your best on these tests. Dont cheat. Please and thank you.

Connections Academy students please refrain from using this website.The plagiarism rules are more strict and you will have severe consequences for breaking the honor code. Thank you.

i agree with Mrs.Fredo its not good to use websites like these just to get answers. if you want the answers you can always go back and review

if you are from connexus i don't think you should follow these websites because i will mark it wrong and connect your parents