I grand daughter has this fill in the blank: Electically__________ objects push or _____________ on other electrically charged objects. This produces___________. Please fill in the blanks please. Because we don't know... Thanks!!!!

1. charged

2. pull

3. motion, work, potential energy(voltage), kinetic energy - beats me what they want her to say

Should have different

To fill in the blanks, we need to understand some basic concepts related to electricity. Electrically charged objects interact with each other in specific ways. Here's the information you need:

1. Electrically charged objects push or ___________ on other electrically charged objects. This produces ___________.

Objects with an electric charge either attract or repel each other. Like charges (objects with the same charge) repel each other, while opposite charges (objects with different charges) attract each other.

2. Electically charged objects push or ___________ on other electrically charged objects. This produces ___________.

When two electrically charged objects interact, they exert forces on each other. If the objects have like charges, they will repel each other. If the objects have opposite charges, they will attract each other.

3. Electrically charged objects push or pull on other electrically charged objects. This produces ___________.

The interaction of electrically charged objects produces an effect called an electric force. This force can cause movement or other effects, depending on the particular circumstances.

Now let's fill in the blanks based on this information:

1. Electrically charged objects push or repel on other electrically charged objects. This produces repulsion.
2. Electrically charged objects push or pull on other electrically charged objects. This produces attraction.
3. Electrically charged objects push or pull on other electrically charged objects. This produces an electric force.

Please choose the appropriate option based on the context and information provided.