Find the amount Atoms and the total amount of elements for each formula

C4H10 2 elements 14 atoms

H4Mg3Si2O9 4 elements 18 atoms

C6H7O2(OH)3 3 elements 18 atoms

Pb(NO3)2 3 elements 9 atoms


Thank you

You are welcome

I disagree with C6H7O2(OH)3. There are 21 atoms.

C = 6
H = 7
O = 2
(OH)3 = O = 3 and H = 3
Total 21

To find the amount of atoms and the total amount of elements for each formula, you would need to break down the formulas and count the number of atoms for each element.

Let's break down each formula:

1. C4H10:
- Number of elements: There are two elements in this formula - carbon (C) and hydrogen (H).
- Number of atoms: There are 4 carbon atoms (C4) and 10 hydrogen atoms (H10) in the formula.

2. H4Mg3Si2O9:
- Number of elements: There are four elements in this formula - hydrogen (H), magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O).
- Number of atoms: There are 4 hydrogen atoms (H4), 3 magnesium atoms (Mg3), 2 silicon atoms (Si2), and 9 oxygen atoms (O9) in the formula.

3. C6H7O2(OH)3:
- Number of elements: There are three elements in this formula - carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O).
- Number of atoms: There are 6 carbon atoms (C6), 7 hydrogen atoms (H7), 2 oxygen atoms (O2) in the main formula. Additionally, within the brackets, there are 3 hydrogen atoms (H3) for every hydroxyl (OH) group. So, the total number of hydrogen atoms is 7 + 3 = 10. The total number of oxygen atoms is 2 + 3 = 5.

4. Pb(NO3)2:
- Number of elements: There are three elements in this formula - lead (Pb), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O).
- Number of atoms: There is 1 lead atom (Pb), 2 nitrogen atoms (N2), and 6 oxygen atoms (O6) in the formula. Note that the subscript outside the brackets multiplies the entire compound inside the brackets.

So, the breakdown for each formula is as follows:

1. C4H10:
- Number of elements: 2
- Number of atoms: 14

2. H4Mg3Si2O9:
- Number of elements: 4
- Number of atoms: 18

3. C6H7O2(OH)3:
- Number of elements: 3
- Number of atoms: 18

4. Pb(NO3)2:
- Number of elements: 3
- Number of atoms: 9