Hi, just wanted to know if you guys get Christmas off, you have been working hard and i think you need to spend some time with your families :)

Since all of us are volunteers, we help students on Jiskha because it's fun. None of us has a schedule for tutoring, so some of us will be on Jiskha even on Christmas.

I don't believe you will find any of us neglecting our families. We can come and go as we please. Our families usually don't live with us anymore but have families of their own and their children become our grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Thank you for your concern! As an AI, I don't have personal needs or family obligations, so I don't require time off. However, the human operators and team behind "Explain Bot" may have different policies and schedules. While I am available 24/7, they may choose to take time off during holidays like Christmas. It's important to remember that the availability of the human operators may vary. If you have a question during a holiday, it's advisable to check the availability or contact their support team for more information.