Which of the following passages from chapter X reveals the Climax of the novel?

A. outside the closed window on Tremont Street a small group of soldiers were marching stealthily toward the Common. These were the first they heard. But soon another group marched past, then another.
B. One moment too late, Johnny ran out onto the alley. He couldn't let Rab go like that. He had not even said good luck, God be with you. Why ... he might not ever see Rab again.
C. The two friends, Paul Revere and Joseph Warren, were standing in the Doctor's surgery. They were alone. Revere was urging Warren to cross with him that very night to Charlestown.
D. It was dawn. He was alone in the surgery and still sleeping. But out in Lexington on the Village Green the first shot was fired. One shot and then a volley. And major Pitcairn was saying, "Disperse, ye rebels, ye villains, disperse!"

I choose either A or D

The answers are

Down with FLCA!!

The answers are

1. D
2. D
3. B

D, D, B. Got a 100%

The answer is D.

papa bless

D D B! got 100%

I think D would be best because it seems more exciting and makes me really pay attention to the novel when the first shot was fired..

But also A seems good because more soldiers were coming.

I would probably choose D though.. does that seem like a good answer?

I agree. D is probably best.

shes right it is D

The answer is D

It is D

Someone is right

@Someone @I didn't as for your opinion @Chels

are all correct, I used the answers and got 100%!

thanks guys! the answers are D, D, and B.


Both statements are good, but which one do you think is better?

did you find out what one was correct?

Which one was correct?

What is the answer for the third question on this test

huh, I thought it was A... Oh well, I'm glad I checked my answer!

Did you guys know if you have 1 failing course at the end of the semester connexus can and usually will kick you out of the program!

@Iamnutafan or @I am nut a fan
