A carpenter has a board that is 10 feet long. He wants to make 6 table legs that are all the same length. What is the longest each leg can be?


This is not a simple divide 10 by 6 answer and besides where would you find 1 2/3" on a measuring tape. Sorry Sue

What is the answer

i need help with this question on my homework.i need the answer.option:14/,11/3,12/6,11/2

the answer is 1 r 4

Can you please explain how you find this answer. Thank you

20" long?

Um I don’t get how you get the answer and what the answer is can you explain and tell the answer?

And also it is a Question on my homework to

If you're doing division

Wait no nvm

You can’t divide 10 by 6 because there is only one six in there and there is still 4more to be ten sorry Sue.

10/6 = 1 2/3 feet

Divide 10 by 6.

Note there are 12 inches in a foot. Multiply 12 by 10 to get the total inches which is 120". Divide 120" by the number of legs (6) 120÷6 which gives you 20". Each legs will be 20" long.