
= x^2-3x+2.25

if you are aiming for a perfect square, then you are correct.

(b/2)^2 always :)

To find the value of c that makes the equation x^2 - 3x + c = x^2 - 3x + 2.25 true, we can compare the coefficients of the like terms on both sides of the equation.

The coefficient of x^2 is the same on both sides, which means that the quadratic term is already equal.

Next, let's compare the coefficients of x on both sides:
On the left side, we have -3x.
On the right side, we also have -3x.

Since the coefficients of x are the same, we can deduce that c must be equal to the constant term on the right side of the equation.

In this case, the constant term on the right side is 2.25. Therefore, c = 2.25.