which of the following passages from Johnny tremain is most useful in helping you determine what type of person mrs. lap ham is?

A. "My!" said Mrs. Lapham, "that's the worse anything I had imagined. Now isn't that a shame!"
B. When Mrs. Lapham came down to start breakfast, she always began by getting him up.
C. "I'm not letting any old-fashioned, fussy notations upset the bet order we've had for ten years"
D. All fish street could hear when Mrs. Lapham called. He paid no heed.
is it a?

Don't hate on Mrs. Sue peeps :P she is trying her best, and as she said before, she hasn't read the book in 70 years.


You're welcome.

thank you!

Its C

is it C or A



Thank you Taylor!

You suck ms.sue

It is C. Mrs. Sue is wrong.

Its C

that is very rude my grandma is 83 and she probably remembers more things than you, and she knows more so don't talk about people like that if your grandma or relative heard you talking like that they should smack you with a pot in your mouth don't talk about anyone ms sue does her best and she has helped me with so much even though she may be old she is very smart she has helped so many people so shut up.

hey ms sue thaught you havent read it in 70 years

dang you suck Ms. Sue. I thought you were supposed to help us.

if she hasn't read the book in 70 years she must be at least 83 and 83 year olds are forgetful and kind of dumb you really want advice from that