Calculate the ppm of the sodium ions when 2.91 g of sodium triphosphate are added to 2.33 L of solution.

I earnestly have no idea how to solve this...

One factor worth remembering is 1 ppm = 1 mg/L.

Convert 2.91g Na3PO4 to g Na. That is
2.91 g Na3PO4 x (3*atomic mass Na/molar mass Na3PO4) = ?. You have ? g Na^+ in 2.33 L.
That is (? g Na^+/2.33 L solution) = ? g Na/L; now convert ?g/L to ?mg/L.

To calculate the parts per million (ppm) of sodium ions in a solution, you need to know the mass of sodium ions and the total mass of the solution. Here's how you can solve it step by step:

Step 1: Determine the molar mass of sodium triphosphate (Na5P3O10). The molar mass of sodium (Na) is 22.99 g/mol, phosphorus (P) is 30.97 g/mol, and oxygen (O) is 16.00 g/mol. Multiply the molar mass of sodium by 5 (since there are five sodium ions in each sodium triphosphate molecule), multiply the molar mass of phosphorus by 3, and multiply the molar mass of oxygen by 10. Then, sum up these values to get the molar mass of sodium triphosphate.

Step 2: Convert the mass of sodium triphosphate (2.91 g) to moles. Divide the given mass by the molar mass of sodium triphosphate calculated in step 1. This will give you the number of moles of sodium triphosphate.

Step 3: Calculate the moles of sodium ions. Since there are five sodium ions in each sodium triphosphate molecule, multiply the number of moles of sodium triphosphate by 5. This will give you the moles of sodium ions.

Step 4: Convert the volume of the solution from liters to milliliters. Multiply the given volume (2.33 L) by 1000 (since there are 1000 mL in 1 L). This will give you the volume of the solution in milliliters.

Step 5: Calculate the ppm of sodium ions. Divide the moles of sodium ions by the volume of the solution in milliliters. Then, multiply by 10^6 to convert the result to ppm.

By following these steps, you should be able to calculate the ppm of the sodium ions.