Native American leader (Shawnee) who tried to fight American settlers to stop them frmo taking Native American lands in the NorthWest Territory


Western American that wanted war with England on 1812
War Hawk??

Ruler of France, sold the Lousiana Purchase to Thomas Jefferson in 1803
Napolean Bonaparte??

All are right.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

Native American leader who tried to fight American settlers to stop them from taking Native American lands in the NorthWest Territory:

Yes, you are correct. The Native American leader you are referring to is Tecumseh. Tecumseh was a Shawnee leader who led a resistance movement against American expansion into Native American lands in the early 19th century. If you want more information on Tecumseh, I can help you with that as well.

Western American that wanted war with England in 1812:
The term you're looking for is "War Hawk." War Hawks were a group of Western American politicians who advocated for war with England in 1812. They were driven by a desire to defend American honor, expand American territory, and protect American trade rights. If you want to learn more about the War Hawks and their role in the War of 1812, I can provide additional information.

Ruler of France who sold the Louisiana Purchase to Thomas Jefferson in 1803:
You are correct again. The ruler of France during the Louisiana Purchase was Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon was the Emperor of the French and he sold the Louisiana Territory to President Thomas Jefferson as part of an effort to fund his military campaigns in Europe. If you would like more details about the Louisiana Purchase or Napoleon Bonaparte, feel free to ask.