Which of the following phrases from the novel best describes Johnny's status, to place, in the household as the book begins?

A. most of the boys in the other shops around Hancock's wharf liked Johnny
B. Of the three boys, only Johnny read easily and well
C. His ability made him semi scared. he knew his power and reveled it
D. He was a rather skinny boy, neither large nor small for fourteen

1. B

2. A
3. B
4. C

4/4 100%



1. B

2. A
3. B
4. C

b a b c is indeed correct

BABC is correct, 100%

jessica, chizzy and jmantocool are 100% correct!

You two are hilarious, I can't believe I didn't comment that first!

Is it d?

I haven't read this book in nearly 70 years. Why isn't C a better answer?

Ok. Do you think it's C? That sounds right to me

The answer is C

wolfart is indeed corect i just got 100 percent