What is the total mass when you pour 100 g of vinegar into a flask and add 10 g of baking soda in a flask. Also what is the chemical formula for this. how can we change the formula so the experiment will be accurate.


LOL, well mass is conserved


but that includes the CO2 smoke pouring out the stern of your toy motorboat.

To make it work out right, you better catch all the products :)

see: http://chemistry.about.com/od/chemicalreactions/f/What-Is-The-Equation-For-The-Reaction-Between-Baking-Soda-And-Vinegar.htm

To find the total mass when you pour 100 g of vinegar into a flask and add 10 g of baking soda, you simply need to add the masses together. The total mass would be 100 g + 10 g = 110 g.

The chemical formula for vinegar is CH3COOH, and the chemical formula for baking soda is NaHCO3. When vinegar reacts with baking soda, a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of new substances.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between vinegar and baking soda is:

CH3COOH + NaHCO3 -> CH3COONa + H2O + CO2

In this equation, CH3COOH represents vinegar, NaHCO3 represents baking soda, CH3COONa represents sodium acetate, H2O represents water, and CO2 represents carbon dioxide.

To conduct the experiment accurately, it is important to ensure that all measurements are precise. This includes accurately measuring the mass of vinegar and baking soda using a balance. Additionally, it is crucial to mix the vinegar and baking soda thoroughly to ensure complete reaction. Maintaining a controlled environment with appropriate temperature and pressure conditions can also help achieve accurate results.