Democritus- example and picture

is it an atom and a picture of a atoms that she wants??

Did he rely on experimental evidence
to justify his ideas?

yes he gave an image of an atom that distinguished them from each other by their shape, size, and the arrangement of their parts

dalton- example and picture

solid foothold as a fundamental chemical object; fundamented the atomic theory

so what would be a pic and ex of his

and could that be a contribution

Thomson example could be - dialysis and the diffusion of gases??

I suggest the following:

1. Write one post at a time.
2. Write posts in complete sentences.
3. Explain fully what you want and what you have or have done.
4. For pics etc why not look on Google yourself instead of us doing it. That way you get the pics you want or that make sense with what you're trying to do.

Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher who developed the concept of the atom. While there are no surviving images or drawings explicitly attributed to him, we can discuss his ideas about atoms.

Democritus proposed that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles called "atoms" (meaning "uncuttable"). These atoms were believed to be solid, homogeneous, and eternal. Democritus also argued that atoms differ from one another in their shape, size, and arrangement of their parts.

However, it is important to note that Democritus' ideas about atoms were purely philosophical and speculative. He did not have access to experimental evidence or technology to support his claims. His atomic theory was mainly based on logical reasoning and philosophical speculation rather than on empirical observations or experiments.

It is worth mentioning that it was not until much later, in the 19th century, that scientific evidence through experiments and discoveries led to the acceptance of the atomic theory. This was further supported by the work of scientists such as John Dalton and later by the experiments and observations of others in the field of chemistry.

So, to answer your question, Democritus did not rely on experimental evidence to justify his ideas about atoms. His ideas were purely philosophical and speculative in nature.