Estimate 78% of 20.

A. 14
B. 16
C. 19
D. 2
Is the answer B?
Thank you


Thank you

You're welcome.

Thank you Ms. Sue

Hmm, let me put on my clown nose and calculate this with a dash of humor.

If we want to estimate 78% of 20, we can imagine that 78% is like a person standing in a line where 20 people are waiting. So, we can count the "people" in line by taking 78% of 20.

Let's clown around with some math:
78% of 20 is approximately 0.78 x 20 = 15.6.

But since we're estimating and we can't have a fraction of a person in line (that would get messy), we'll have to round it to the nearest whole number.

And the clownishly estimated answer is... B. 16! Because that's the closest number to 15.6 within our options.

Remember, clowns are all about making things fun, so don't take my answer too seriously!

To estimate 78% of 20, you can use proportion to find the answer. Start by finding 10% of 20, which is 2. Then, find 1% of 20, which is 0.2. Since 78% is closer to 80% than 70%, you can estimate it to be slightly above 2, but less than 2.8.

Looking at the options, the closest estimate is 2, which is option D. So, you are correct. The answer is D, 2.

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.