Which section of a personal narrative requires the most development?

a. introduction
b. conclusion
c. character introduction
d. plot

My answer: D. Please check!

For Educational Technology and Online Learning 6 - Technology for Publishing quick check the answers are



just took quick check and got a 100

2018 ANYONE?

thanks but number 3?

please help fast!!!

I couldn't find this answer either but I thought it was probably A. We don't have a book for this class and the info we have on lesson just doesn't make it clear what part is most important! My choices were A or C

the answer is d plot

number 3 is B,

you are right it is d.

i got 100 on my thing i put d

i think the entire story is important not just a single part, like plot or introduction. buut I suppose I would say D as well

Omg thanks it was D! It feels weird looking back to 2014.

is chicken nugget correct?

Science girl is 100% right I used her answers and I got 100% use her answer to get a good grade!!!!

yap it is B D B D

Yes it is D plot

it is d i swear

Shopping: Tax Situation: You are purchasing four items and want to calculate the tax. The items cost $2.50, $8.75, $3.00, and $10.25. The tax rate is 6%. How much is the tax? Calculation With Distribution (Show all steps.) Calculation Without Distribution (Show all steps.)

Shopping: Tax Situation: You are purchasing four items and want to calculate the tax. The items cost $2.50, $8.75, $3.00, and $10.25. The tax rate is 6%. How much is the tax? Calculation With Distribution (Show all steps.) Calculation Without Distribution (Show all steps.)

Shopping: Tax Situation: You are purchasing four items and want to calculate the tax. The items cost $2.50, $8.75, $3.00, and $10.25. The tax rate is 6%. How much is the tax? Calculation With Distribution (Show all steps.) Calculation Without Distribution (Show all steps.)

Shopping: Tax Situation: You are purchasing four items and want to calculate the tax. The items cost $2.50, $8.75, $3.00, and $10.25. The tax rate is 6%. How much is the tax? Calculation With Distribution (Show all steps.) Calculation Without Distribution (Show all steps.)

Shopping: Tax Situation: You are purchasing four items and want to calculate the tax. The items cost $2.50, $8.75, $3.00, and $10.25. The tax rate is 6%. How much is the tax? Calculation With Distribution (Show all steps.) Calculation Without Distribution (Show all steps.)

Shopping: Tax Situation: You are purchasing four items and want to calculate the tax. The items cost $2.50, $8.75, $3.00, and $10.25. The tax rate is 6%. How much is the tax? Calculation With Distribution (Show all steps.) Calculation Without Distribution (Show all steps.)


you are right it is D thanks man

D. Plot

Check your books

Thanks this REALLY helps it does not provide the answer in the hole thing so thanks.

yes D is the answer I just did this assessment and I got 100% so the answer is D. plot

The answers are bdbd. That translates to bad dog bad dog.

its a

I disagree.

What does your book say?