Lina went on her first diet in High school for three days she ate nothing but carrot sticks, cottage cheese, and apples. Then scarfed down two double sentence cheeseburgers with fries and a chocolate shake. Her other attempts at dieting didn’t last much longer. By graduation lina was grateful to hide under the flowing black robe as she walked on stage to her diploma. When Lina heard about ‘’the freshman 15.’’the extra pounds many students acquire during their first year at college, she groans at the prospect of putting on more weight. In her personal health class, Lina set one primary goal, she decide not to grain another pound. Rather than going on and inevitably falling off one diet after another, she development a weight management plan that included healthful food choices and regular exercise. After arming herself with the information and tools provided in her textbook, the class took charge of her weight.

Which sentence is a fragment?
A. Sentence 1
B. Sentence 2
C. Sentence 3
D. Sentence 4
I am think a
Which contains a comma splice?
a. Sentence 5
b. Sentence 6
c. Sentence 7
d. Sentence 8
I am think d

Which sentence is run-on sentence?
I am think a Sentence 1
E. Sentence 2
F. Sentence 3
G. Sentence 4
Which sentence contains a shift in verb tense?
a. Sentence 5
b. Sentence 6
c. Sentence 7
d. Sentence 8
I am think a

Your first two answers are wrong. The second two are correct.

How is sentence 1 fragment?

Which sentence contains a dangling modifier?
a. sentence 5
b. sentence 6
c. sentence 7
d. sentence 8
I am think 7

Sentence 1 is not a fragment.

Sentence 7 does not contain a dangling modifier.

yes sentence 7 does contain a dangling modifier.

I must have missed it. What is the dangling modifier in sentence 7?


I cannot which would be the fragment

This sentence doesn't have a subject so it is a fragment.

Then scarfed down two double sentence cheeseburgers with fries and a chocolate shake.

Could sentence six been a dangling modifier

To determine which sentence is a fragment, we need to understand that a sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that is missing either a subject or a verb, or both.

Looking at the options given:

A. Sentence 1: "Lina went on her first diet in high school for three days she ate nothing but carrot sticks, cottage cheese, and apples." This sentence is missing a conjunction or punctuation to properly connect the two independent clauses, making it a run-on sentence rather than a fragment.

B. Sentence 2: "Then scarfed down two double sentence cheeseburgers with fries and a chocolate shake." This sentence is missing a subject and a verb, making it a fragment.

C. Sentence 3: "Her other attempts at dieting didn't last much longer." This sentence is a complete sentence and is not a fragment.

D. Sentence 4: "By graduation Lina was grateful to hide under the flowing black robe as she walked on stage to her diploma." This sentence is a complete sentence and is not a fragment.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Sentence 2 is a fragment.

Now, let's determine which sentence contains a comma splice. A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined by only a comma instead of proper punctuation such as a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, so) or a semicolon.

Looking at the options given:

a. Sentence 5: "When Lina heard about 'the freshman 15,' the extra pounds many students acquire during their first year at college, she groans at the prospect of putting on more weight." This sentence is not a comma splice.

b. Sentence 6: "In her personal health class, Lina set one primary goal, she decided not to gain another pound." This sentence is a comma splice because it joins two independent clauses ("Lina set one primary goal" and "she decided not to gain another pound") with only a comma.

c. Sentence 7: "Rather than going on and inevitably falling off one diet after another, she developed a weight management plan that included healthful food choices and regular exercise." This sentence is not a comma splice.

d. Sentence 8: "After arming herself with the information and tools provided in her textbook, the class took charge of her weight." This sentence is not a comma splice.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. Sentence 6 contains a comma splice.

Moving on to identifying the run-on sentence, a run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are joined together without proper punctuation or a coordinating conjunction.

Looking at the options given:

E. Sentence 1: "Lina went on her first diet in high school for three days she ate nothing but carrot sticks, cottage cheese, and apples." This sentence is a run-on sentence because it joins two independent clauses without proper punctuation or a coordinating conjunction.

F. Sentence 2: "Then scarfed down two double sentence cheeseburgers with fries and a chocolate shake." This sentence is not a run-on sentence.

G. Sentence 3: "Her other attempts at dieting didn't last much longer." This sentence is not a run-on sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is E. Sentence 1 is a run-on sentence.

Finally, let's find the sentence that contains a shift in verb tense. A shift in verb tense occurs when there is an inconsistency or change in the verb tense used within a sentence.

Looking at the options given:

a. Sentence 5: "When Lina heard about 'the freshman 15,' the extra pounds many students acquire during their first year at college, she groans at the prospect of putting on more weight." This sentence does not contain a shift in verb tense.

b. Sentence 6: "In her personal health class, Lina set one primary goal, she decided not to gain another pound." This sentence does not contain a shift in verb tense.

c. Sentence 7: "Rather than going on and inevitably falling off one diet after another, she developed a weight management plan that included healthful food choices and regular exercise." This sentence does not contain a shift in verb tense.

d. Sentence 8: "After arming herself with the information and tools provided in her textbook, the class took charge of her weight." This sentence contains a shift in verb tense. The first part of the sentence is in past tense ("arming herself") while the second part is in present tense ("the class took").

Therefore, the correct answer is d. Sentence 8 contains a shift in verb tense.