Which one of the following elements is part of an organizations broad environment?A.)stockholders B.)political trends C.)competitors D.)labor unions

Since A and D don't apply to many organizations, I'd say either B or C. What does your book say?

To determine which one of the elements is part of an organization's broad environment, let's closely examine the options provided:

A.) Stockholders: Stockholders, also known as shareholders, are individuals or entities that own shares or stocks in a company. While they are important stakeholders in the organization, they are typically part of the organization's specific or internal environment, as they have a direct financial interest in the company.

B.) Political trends: Political trends refer to the prevailing patterns or shifts in political ideologies, laws, regulations, and policies within a specific region or country. These trends are external to an organization and can significantly impact its operations, decision-making processes, and overall business environment. Therefore, political trends are part of an organization's broad environment.

C.) Competitors: Competitors are other firms or entities that operate in the same industry and offer similar products or services. While competitors can directly influence an organization's strategies and market position, they are considered part of the industry or specific environment rather than the broad environment.

D.) Labor unions: Labor unions are organizations formed by workers to protect their interests, negotiate employment terms, and advocate for better wages, working conditions, and benefits. Similarly to competitors, labor unions are part of the specific or industry environment, as they directly interact with the organization's workforce rather than forming part of the organization's broad environment.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is B.) Political trends, as they are an element of an organization's broad environment.