what career can i persure with these subjects?

What do YOU want to do?


I want to do nursing or social worker

To determine potential careers based on your subjects, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Make a list of your subjects: Write down the subjects you excel in or have an interest in pursuing as a career.

2. Identify the skills and knowledge gained: For each subject, determine the specific skills and knowledge you have acquired or are acquiring. This could include problem-solving, critical thinking, research skills, data analysis, writing abilities, computer literacy, or specialized subject knowledge.

3. Research careers related to your subjects: Use online resources like career websites, job boards, and occupational handbooks to explore potential careers related to your subjects. Look for job titles, descriptions, and required qualifications that align with your subject expertise.

4. Consult career guidance resources: Consider reaching out to career counselors, professionals in your preferred industries, or alumni from your school who have pursued similar subjects. They can provide valuable insights and advice on potential career paths.

5. Analyze the fit: Compare the skills and knowledge required for each potential career with the ones you possess. Assess how well your subjects align with the job requirements, and determine if you need to acquire additional qualifications or skills.

6. Narrow down your options: Based on your research and self-analysis, identify a shortlist of careers that seem suitable and appealing to you. Consider factors like job prospects, salary ranges, work culture, and long-term growth opportunities.

Remember that career options are not limited to specific subjects. Many careers require a combination of skills and knowledge from various fields. Don't hesitate to explore interdisciplinary roles or industries that value your diverse skill set.

Ultimately, finding the right career path involves self-reflection, research, and aligning your interests, skills, and values with available opportunities.