joanne earns $720 a week. She spends 1/3 of her money grocery and household goods and 3/4 of the remaining money on rent. How much money does she spends on rent, groceries and household goods?

I have got :

720 *1/3= 240 for Groceries and home goods.
then 720-240= 480 reamin
then 480 *3/4= 360 for rent
total amount spent= 240+360=600 dollar total
I know I got the right answer. I just need to show on Model -I need help with that only.

16 oz = 1 lbs

Joanneearn $720 a week she spends 1/3 of her money on groceries and household goods and 3/4 of the remaining money on red how much money did she spend on rent groceries and household goods?

A sea turtle laid 95eggs,each weighing 1 ounce.what is the total amount of weight in pound?

lil g hong is the younger brother of big g hong

what sup lil g hong whatsup my younger bro

who ever made this is smoking crack fr

bro spend 780 not 600 dumbshit

bro bro the answer is not 600 you on some crack bro bro


Hey guys

hey zayn make sure to shower tonight

hey guys wanna get on fortnite guys really cool wowsers

yeah sure wowsers cant wait lol

Guys let's get some wins in fortnit! Hooray! pls I need to be carryed

i need to poo poo first


ZAYN dont do that bad bad i smack you

shuutttt up, before i get my gurs to smack yall

say gurne 10 tiems fast i dare you

Guys PWEASE STOp Fwighting Im twyig to get on fortnit with my bestiess xzandwer and simon younnan

Yo whatsup my dingleberries, sup gurs sup chewdarry

what sup my bortha yall wanna hope on fortknight

Wassup my dingle wingles its me Quandale Nayvadius Quantavius Pringle-Dingle III and im tryna hit a airdribble 360 musty kursty breezi flick

thanks this helped.

5lbs and 15 ounces

potatoes are 21.69 mega metres away from deez nutz

suck on deez nut