How can you sketch the graph y = |x - 2| ?

A)Translate the graph of y = |x| two units up.

B)Translate the graph of y = |x| two units down.

C)Translate the graph of y = |x| two units left.

D) Translate the graph of y = |x| two units right.

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To sketch the graph of y = |x - 2|, we can follow these steps:

1. Start with the graph of y = |x|. This is a V-shaped graph that passes through the origin (0, 0) and is symmetric about the y-axis.

2. To shift the graph of y = |x| horizontally, we need to modify the equation by adding or subtracting a value inside the absolute value brackets. In this case, we want to shift the graph two units to the right. So, we modify the equation as y = |x - 2|. Subtracting 2 inside the absolute value brackets shifts the entire graph two units to the right.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) Translate the graph of y = |x| two units right.