What is the best antonym for the word progressive?

B)forward thinking


To determine the best antonym for the word "progressive," we need to understand the meaning of the word. "Progressive" refers to something or someone that favors or promotes change, improvement, or innovation.

Now, let's analyze the given answer choices:

A) "Traditional" implies adherence to long-established customs or practices, which contrasts with the idea of progress. It seems like a possible antonym.

B) "Forward thinking" suggests a mindset that supports progress and innovation, aligning with the concept of "progressive." So this is not the correct answer.

C) "New" denotes something that is recently introduced or created. While it may indicate change or something being different, it doesn't directly oppose progress, so it might not be the best antonym.

D) "Experimental" refers to something that involves testing, exploration, or trying out new methods or ideas. This aligns with the concept of progress, so it is not the correct antonym.

Considering the options, the best antonym for the word "progressive" among the given choices is A) "traditional," as it emphasizes adherence to established practices rather than embracing change or improvement.