Luka is eating crackers. Each serving has 1.6 grams of fat. She ate 0.75 serving of crackers at lunch. She is now eating 1.5 servings of crackers as a snack. How many grams of fat did Luka eat all together? Explain how you solved the problem

1.6(0.75 + 1.5) = ?


To solve this problem, we need to calculate the total grams of fat Luka consumed for both her lunch and snack.

First, let's calculate the grams of fat from her lunch:
Luka ate 0.75 servings of crackers for lunch, and each serving contains 1.6 grams of fat. To find the total grams of fat for her lunch, we multiply the number of servings by the grams of fat per serving:
0.75 servings * 1.6 grams/serving = 1.2 grams of fat from lunch.

Next, let's calculate the grams of fat from her snack:
Luka is now eating 1.5 servings of crackers as a snack, and each serving contains 1.6 grams of fat. To find the total grams of fat for her snack, we multiply the number of servings by the grams of fat per serving:
1.5 servings * 1.6 grams/serving = 2.4 grams of fat from the snack.

Finally, let's find the total grams of fat Luka ate all together by adding the fat from lunch and the fat from the snack:
1.2 grams of fat from lunch + 2.4 grams of fat from the snack = 3.6 grams of fat all together.

Therefore, Luka ate a total of 3.6 grams of fat.