A simple pendulum of length 2.00m is made with a mass of 2.00kg. The mass has speed of 3.00 m/s when the pendulum is 30 degrees above its lowest position.

-What is the maximum angle away from the lowest position the pendulum will reach?
-What is the speed of the mass when the pendulum is 45 degrees above its lowest position?

Work done: H = 2 - 2(cos30)
= .2679491924

mgh(max)= mgh + 1/2(mv^2)

To find the maximum angle away from the lowest position and the speed of the mass at a specific angle, we can use the principle of conservation of mechanical energy. The mechanical energy of the system (pendulum + mass) remains constant throughout its motion.

First, let's calculate the potential energy at the highest point (at the maximum angle). The potential energy is given by:

PE(max) = mgh(max)

Here, m represents the mass, g represents the acceleration due to gravity, and h(max) represents the maximum height of the mass from the lowest position.

length of the pendulum (L) = 2.00 m
mass of the mass (m) = 2.00 kg
speed of the mass (v) = 3.00 m/s
angle of the pendulum (θ) = 30 degrees

Using the formula for potential energy:
PE(max) = mgh(max)

To find the maximum height, we use trigonometry. At the highest point, the pendulum makes an angle of 30 degrees with the vertical. The vertical component of the displacement (h) can be calculated as:

h = L - L*cos(θ)

h(max) = 2.00 - 2.00*cos(30 degrees)

Now we can calculate the potential energy at the highest point:

PE(max) = mgh(max) = 2.00 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * h(max)

Next, we can determine the total mechanical energy (E) of the system at this highest point:

E = KE + PE

Since the pendulum is at its highest point, the kinetic energy (KE) will be zero. So, at this point:

E(max) = PE(max) = mgh(max)

Now let's find the maximum angle away from the lowest position:

The maximum angle (θ(max)) can be found using the equation for potential energy and the total mechanical energy:

PE(max) = mgh(max)
E(max) = mgh(max) + 1/2(mv^2)

Rearranging the second equation, we get:

h(max) = [E(max) - 1/2(mv^2)] / mg

Substituting the given values, we can find h(max).

Now we can use trigonometry to find the actual maximum angle (θ(max)):

cos(θ(max)) = (L - h(max)) / L

Calculating θ(max) using the inverse cosine (cos^-1) function, we get the answer to the first question.

To find the speed of the mass when the pendulum is at 45 degrees above its lowest position, we can use the same principle of conservation of mechanical energy.

First, let's calculate the potential energy at the given angle:

PE(45 degrees) = mgh(45 degrees)

Using the same formula for h as before, we find h(45 degrees).

Next, determine the kinetic energy (KE) at this point:

KE(45 degrees) = E - PE(45 degrees)

Finally, we can calculate the speed (v(45 degrees)):

KE(45 degrees) = 1/2(mv(45 degrees)^2)

Solving for v(45 degrees), we can find the speed at this specific angle.

By following this approach, you can obtain the answers to the questions about the maximum angle and the speed of the mass at a specific angle in a pendulum.