Not sure how to complete this chemical reaction:

Li + Fe(NO3)3 --->

Frankly, I don't think it will go but I think the spirit of the question is

3Li + Fe(NO3)3 ==> 3LiNO3 + Fe

The reason I don't think this will happen is that if we do it as solids, like this
3Li(s) + Fe(NO3)3(s) ==> no reaction because the solids will not react.

If you put them in solution, the
3Li(s) + Fe(NO3)3(aq) ==>
The Li reacts with H2O before it reacts with the Fe(NO3)3
I think the author of the problem just didn't think through the equation. But I suspect the lesson is for the activity series and as such Li is above Fe and it will replace Fe^3+

Ok thank you. Yes i wasn't sure which way to do it. I was thinking of following the activity series

But in the question it says Li is a solid and Fe(NO3)3 is aqueous

If your question says Li is a solid and the ferric nitrate is a solid (which isn't in the initial post) then I would write no reaction because the two solids will not react. It was I that wrote in the (s) and (aq). However, in the case that it is in your problem as

Li(s) + Fe(NO3)3 --> then I would write the rxn between Li and water.
2Li + 2H2O ==> 2LiOH + H2

I am not understanding what you are saying? So what would be the answer? Li is a solid and Fe(NO3)3 is aqueous

To complete the chemical reaction between lithium (Li) and iron(III) nitrate (Fe(NO3)3), we need to identify the products formed when the reaction occurs.

First, let's break down the reactants into their respective ions:

The lithium atom (Li) loses one electron to form the Li+ ion.
The iron(III) nitrate (Fe(NO3)3) dissociates into iron(III) ions (Fe3+) and nitrate ions (NO3-).

Now, let's combine the ions to form the products:

The Li+ ion combines with the nitrate ions (NO3-) to form lithium nitrate (LiNO3).
The Fe3+ ion combines with the remaining nitrate ions (NO3-) to form iron(III) nitrate (Fe(NO3)3).

Therefore, the balanced chemical reaction is:

2Li + 3Fe(NO3)3 → 2LiNO3 + 3Fe(NO3)3

Please note that in this reaction, the iron(III) nitrate remains unchanged as one of the products because there is no other suitable reactant to react with it.