Which of the following is not a process that forms metallic ore?

placer deposits
fossil compaction
hydrothermal solutions
igneous processes

5. Which of the following nonmetallic mineral resources is used both as a building material and as an industrial mineral?


6. What is one of the drawbacks to the extensive use of solar energy?

It is nonrenewable.
Necessary equipment and installation are expensive.
It is available only at night.
Its use produces pollution.

7. How does nuclear fission produce energy?
Moving water turns turbines to produce electricity.
A controlled nuclear chain reaction produces heat, driving steam turbines to produce energy.
An uncontrolled nuclear reaction produces heat, driving steam turbines to produce energy.
Carbon atoms are bombarded by neutrons.

8. Hydroelectric power is produced by ____.
falling water that turns a turbine
tides that pour through a dam barrier
hot water that comes from deep underground
electric current that flows across a dam

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Which of the following is not a process that forms metallic ore?


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Question 1: To determine which of the following is not a process that forms metallic ore, we can examine each option and understand how they contribute to the formation of metallic ores.

1. Placer deposits: Placer deposits are formed when valuable minerals, including metallic ores, are transported and sorted by water. These deposits usually occur in rivers, streams, or beach sands as a result of erosion and weathering of pre-existing rocks. Placer deposits contribute to the formation of metallic ores.

2. Fossil compaction: Fossil compaction involves the compression and alteration of organic remains such as plants and animals to form fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. This process does not directly contribute to the formation of metallic ores.

3. Hydrothermal solutions: Hydrothermal solutions refer to hot, mineral-rich fluids that circulate through fractures and voids in rocks. These fluids can deposit various minerals, including metallic ores, as they cool and precipitate. Hydrothermal solutions contribute to the formation of metallic ores.

4. Igneous processes: Igneous processes involve the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. These processes can contribute to the formation of metallic ores, such as when certain minerals crystallize from a cooling magma and form ore deposits.

Based on the explanations, fossil compaction is not a process that forms metallic ore. Therefore, the answer is "fossil compaction."

Question 2: To determine the nonmetallic mineral resource used both as a building material and as an industrial mineral, we can examine each option.

1. Sulfur: While sulfur has various industrial uses, it is not commonly used as a building material.

2. Limestone: Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is used both as a building material (e.g., in the construction of buildings, roads) and as an industrial mineral (e.g., in the production of cement, steel).

3. Graphite: Graphite is primarily used as an industrial mineral, particularly in applications like lubricants, batteries, and electrical components. It is not commonly used as a building material.

4. Corundum: Corundum, a mineral that includes varieties such as ruby and sapphire, is valuable as a gemstone but not commonly used as a building material or industrial mineral.

Based on the explanations, the answer is "limestone" as it is used both as a building material and as an industrial mineral.

Question 3: To identify a drawback of extensive use of solar energy, we can examine each option.

1. It is nonrenewable: This statement is incorrect. Solar energy is a renewable energy source that relies on the sun's continuous radiation.

2. Necessary equipment and installation are expensive: This statement is true. The initial cost of solar panels and related equipment can be expensive, although the long-term savings on energy bills may eventually offset the investment.

3. It is available only at night: This statement is incorrect. Solar energy is primarily available during daylight hours when the sun is shining.

4. Its use produces pollution: This statement is incorrect. Solar energy is considered a clean energy source as it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or air pollutants during operation.

Based on the explanations, the answer is "Necessary equipment and installation are expensive."

Question 4: To understand how nuclear fission produces energy, we can examine each option.

1. Moving water turns turbines to produce electricity: This statement describes how hydroelectric power is generated, not nuclear fission.

2. A controlled nuclear chain reaction produces heat, driving steam turbines to produce energy: This statement is correct. In nuclear power plants, controlled nuclear fission reactions release a large amount of heat energy. This heat is then used to generate steam, which drives turbines and produces electricity.

3. An uncontrolled nuclear reaction produces heat, driving steam turbines to produce energy: This statement describes a nuclear meltdown or an uncontrolled event, which is not the intended operation of a nuclear power plant.

4. Carbon atoms are bombarded by neutrons: This statement describes a different process, nuclear fusion, not nuclear fission.

Based on the explanations, the answer is "A controlled nuclear chain reaction produces heat, driving steam turbines to produce energy."

Question 5: To understand how hydroelectric power is produced, we can examine each option.

1. Falling water that turns a turbine: This statement is correct. In a hydroelectric power plant, the potential energy of water held in a reservoir behind a dam is converted into kinetic energy as the water falls and flows through turbines. The rotating turbines generate electricity.

2. Tides that pour through a dam barrier: This statement describes tidal power, which uses the rising and falling tide to generate electricity. It is not specifically hydroelectric power.

3. Hot water that comes from deep underground: This statement describes geothermal power, which harnesses heat from within the Earth to generate electricity. It is not specifically hydroelectric power.

4. Electric current that flows across a dam: This statement does not accurately describe a process for generating hydroelectric power.

Based on the explanations, the answer is "Falling water that turns a turbine."

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