In each bouquet of flowers, there are 4 roses and 6 white carnations. Complete the 4 and 6 table to find out how many roses and carnations there are in 4 bouquets of flowers? Please help answer

im dojgn this to get my answer to the top as possible till im lazy

its stupid the aswer :>

this is stupid

wait what

im dojgn this to get my answer to the top

there is no answers

you rock




hey guys here is the answer 4/6 8/12 12/18 16/24 20/30 ur welcome :) add me on fortnite - jayden124n

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4 roses/bouquet x 4 bouquets = 16 roses.

6 carnations/bouquet x 4 bouquets = 24 carnations.

The total number of flowers are (16+24) which = 40.

In each bouquet of flower, there are 4 roses and 6 white carnations. Complete the table to find how many roses and carnations there are in 4 bouquets of flowers.

i like ur name ima use it too

there are 4 roses and 6 carnations in each bouquet of flowers so i dont knwo if its correct (its hard for me too) but i THINK you gotta multiply each by 4 to get ur answer and if u ahve a chart like me fill 2 bouquet with 4/6 times 2. 3 bouquet with 4/6 answer and so on. BTW I LIKE COOKIES A LOT AND PLAY ROYALE HIGH ON ROBLOX ITS GOODIE GOOD

Answer:since,there is 4 bouquets that mean you would have to do 4×4=16 and and since,there is 6 carnation you would have to do 4×6=24