K(x) = -3x^4 + 5x^3 - x + 7 for x = -2.

K(-2) = -79

I got 1

-3 * 16 = -48
+5* 8 = 40
- -2 = 2

= +1

-2*3 = -8, right?


To find the value of K(-2) using the given function K(x) = -3x^4 + 5x^3 - x + 7, we need to substitute -2 for x in the function and calculate the resulting expression.

Step 1: Replace x with -2 in the function.
K(-2) = -3(-2)^4 + 5(-2)^3 - (-2) + 7

Step 2: Simplify the expression using the order of operations (PEMDAS).

-3(-2)^4 = -3(16) = -48
5(-2)^3 = 5(-8) = -40
-(-2) = 2

K(-2) = -48 + (-40) + 2 + 7

Step 3: Add or subtract the numbers to obtain the final result.
K(-2) = -48 - 40 + 2 + 7
= -88 + 9
= -79

Therefore, K(-2) = -79.