Is an ice cube a mineral?

Yes, in the sense that it isn't animal or vegetable.

ice is natural while an ice cube is built by humans

To determine if an ice cube is a mineral, we need to understand the definition of a mineral. A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline structure. Let's break down the characteristics of an ice cube:

1. Naturally occurring: Ice is formed naturally through the freezing of water, either by lowering the temperature or increasing the pressure. Therefore, it meets this criterion.

2. Inorganic: Inorganic means that the substance is not derived from living organisms. Since ice does not come from living organisms and is formed purely from water, it is considered inorganic.

3. Solid: Ice is a solid state of water, characterized by a rigid structure held together by hydrogen bonds. It maintains a fixed shape and volume, meeting the requirement for a solid.

4. Definite chemical composition: Ice is composed of water molecules, with each molecule containing two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. This composition is consistent, making it a definite chemical composition.

5. Crystalline structure: Ice has a regular arrangement of water molecules, forming a hexagonal crystal lattice. This structural regularity is inherent to minerals, fulfilling the crystalline structure criterion.

Based on these factors, we can conclude that an ice cube meets the definition of a mineral.