2. sylvia has 6 1/2 boxes of chocolate to share at a family picnic. if she gives each person 1/3 of a box, how many people can receive chocolate?

3.which of these numbers is not rational?
square root 3
square root 9
4. a student's work to solve 2 6/7 divided by 2/7 is shown below. which of the following statements do you agree with?

2 6/7 divided by 2/7 =
19/7 divided by 2/7=
7/19 times 2/7=
7/19 times 2/7=2/19 cross out the 7 in the first one put a one and cross out the second one and put a one

a. myriah the only mistake is in changing the mixed number to an improper fraction
b thomas. there's a mistake with the multiplication inverse of 2/7
c gabriel the problem looks fine to me
d siri there is a mistake with changing the mixed number to an improper fraction as well as changing the division problem to multiplication

5. which expression is equivalent? 4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4? that's times sign
6. debra has 2/3 pound of loose grean tea leaves. if she wants to keep one half of the tea at home and the other half and work, what fraction of a pound will she have at work?
7. 7-5/7=
1 2/7
6 2/7
6 5/7
8. what is (-7)^5 in expanded form?

Kathy/Anonymous -- please use the same name for your posts.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

this is my name

2. To find out how many people can receive chocolate, we need to divide the total number of boxes by the fraction representing the amount each person gets.

First, convert the mixed number 6 1/2 to an improper fraction:
6 1/2 = (6 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 13/2

Now, divide 13/2 by 1/3:
(13/2) / (1/3) = (13/2) * (3/1) = (13 * 3) / (2 * 1) = 39/2

Therefore, approximately 19 people can receive chocolate. The correct answer is option C, 19.

3. A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction (a/b), where a and b are both integers and b is not equal to zero.

Let's check the options one by one:

- Square root 3: This is not a rational number because it cannot be expressed as a fraction.

- 0.25: This is a rational number because it can be expressed as 1/4.

- 1/5: This is a rational number because it is already in fractional form.

- Square root 9: This is a rational number because it simplifies to 3, which can be expressed as 3/1.

Therefore, the number that is not rational is square root 3. The correct answer is option A.

4. To solve the division problem 2 6/7 ÷ 2/7, we need to follow the steps correctly. Let's go through the student's work and analyze the options:

2 6/7 ÷ 2/7 =
(19/7) ÷ (2/7) =
(19/7) * (2/7) =
(19 * 2) / (7 * 7) =

Looking at the options:

a. Myriah: She only mentions that there is a mistake in changing the mixed number to an improper fraction. This is incorrect because the student correctly converted the mixed number.

b. Thomas: He mentions a mistake with the multiplication inverse of 2/7, but there doesn't seem to be any error in the multiplication.

c. Gabriel: He believes the problem looks fine, but there is an error in the student's work.

d. Siri: This option is correct. There is indeed a mistake with changing the mixed number to an improper fraction, as well as changing the division problem to multiplication.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D, Siri.

5. To find the equivalent expression for 4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4, we can simplify it using the exponent notation.

4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4 = 4^8

Therefore, the equivalent expression is 4^8. The correct answer is option D.

6. Debra has 2/3 pound of grean tea leaves. She wants to keep half of the tea at home and half of it at work.

To find out the fraction of a pound she will have at work, we need to multiply 2/3 by 1/2 (half).

(2/3) * (1/2) = (2 * 1) / (3 * 2) = 2/6 = 1/3

Therefore, Debra will have 1/3 of a pound of tea at work. The correct answer is option C, 1/3.

7. To subtract 5/7 from 7, we need to find a common denominator.

7 - 5/7 =
(7 * 7/7) - 5/7 =
49/7 - 5/7 =
(49 - 5)/7 =

Therefore, 7 - 5/7 is equal to 6 2/7. The correct answer is option C, 6 2/7.

8. To evaluate (-7)^5 in expanded form, we need to perform the multiplication.

(-7)^5 = (-7) * (-7) * (-7) * (-7) * (-7) = -7 * -7 * -7 * -7 * -7

Therefore, the expanded form of (-7)^5 is -7 * -7 * -7 * -7 * -7.