I have three questions that I could not find in my book, even though they are probably there. Plz help, I have to do well on this quiz, or I'm dead!!!

1) What two forces are at work in a nebula that is not creating a star?

2)What happens to the rocks in the center of a planetesimal after the planetesimal reaches a diameter of 350 km?

3)Eventually, a planetesimal heats up so much that not all of the heat energy can escape from the inside the planetesimal. What happens to the rocks in the center of a planetesimal then?


Ok, I think the answer to #3 was that they melt. Is that right? Plz help me, like I said, I have a really big quiz tomorrow that my science teacher just told about TODAY and she gave us the twenty-question study guide TODAY. Thank you so so so so so so so much!!! You guys are a GREAT help with my assignments!!!

1) To vague to answer. Forces in nature are gravity, nuclear and electromagnetic. I don't know what the question means.


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2)Melt I would think. Depends on surface bombardments and age of planetesimal.

3) They would become plastic like at first. If the planetesimal continued to grow, yes, they would melt.


Thank you very much, I found out the day of the quiz that we didn't need to have the first question answered. Thank you for helping me out!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Good luck on your quiz, and remember to study and review the information thoroughly. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.