In the painting of A View of Muhlendamn by Johann Friedrich Stock which of the following elements and principles are not shown is this art piece?

A.line and texture
b.proportion in many areas
c.geometric shape
d.radial balance
Is the answer D?

Correct :)

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To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option and see if it applies to the painting "A View of Muhlendamn" by Johann Friedrich Stock:

A. Line and Texture: To confirm if this element is present in the painting, search for visible lines and textural details. Look for individual strokes or patterns that create a texture on the canvas.

B. Proportion in many areas: Examine the size and scale relationships between different objects or elements in the painting. Check if there is a deliberate emphasis on proportional balance or if certain areas appear disproportioned.

C. Geometric Shape: Look for recognizable shapes or forms that suggest geometrical figures, such as squares, triangles, or circles.

D. Radial Balance: Assess if there is a central focal point from which the composition radiates outward with equal or symmetrical distribution.

By analyzing the painting, you should be able to identify whether each option is present or not.