A ladder is leaning against a house. The distance between the base of the ladder to the house is 3 feet. The length of the ladder is 10 feet. In feet, how far above the ground does the ladder touch the house?

A. 4.2 ft
B. 9.5 ft
C. 10.4 ft
D. 14.1 ft
Is the answer B?

Yes, the answer is B.

Thanks Brady your the best! :)

You're welcome!!! :)

To find the answer, we can use the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse (the longest side) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

In this case, the ladder forms a right triangle with the ground and the wall of the house. The distance between the base of the ladder to the house is one of the legs of the right triangle and is given as 3 feet. The length of the ladder is the hypotenuse, which is given as 10 feet. We need to find the height of the ladder above the ground, which is the other leg of the right triangle.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can set up the equation:

(base)^2 + (height)^2 = (hypotenuse)^2
3^2 + (height)^2 = 10^2
9 + (height)^2 = 100
(height)^2 = 100 - 9
(height)^2 = 91

Now, we need to find the square root of 91 to get the height:

height = sqrt(91)
height ≈ 9.54

So, the ladder touches the house approximately 9.54 feet above the ground.

Therefore, the answer is B. 9.5 ft.