What is the purpose of inserting Smartart in a Microsoft Office program?

A. Smartart enhances images and photographs by accenting them with colors and shading.
B.Smartart offers different ways of visually presenting information, using shapes arranged in different formations.
C.Smartart allows you to search for photographs using the Microsoft office .
D.Smartart helps you create charts and graphs based on data you enter.
Is the answer B?


I got 100% thank you

A,D,B are the answers

8th grade answers


I agree with your answer, Blue. I just looked at the Smartart of a Microsoft Office program, and it looks like different things to put your information in. So yes, I agree.

I hope this helps! :)

shaylas right

Just took this quiz and yes, Blue, your answer is correct.

Thank you so much

You're welcome, Blue. :)

Please tell me about what is purpose of smartart for class 5

Just took it


A,b,d 100%%%%

Your mom was not right!!

Yes he was @No Name... btw I don't know if that's how you tag someone... im into social media lol

Shayla's Wright.

The Answers are:
1. A
2. B
3. D
If Ur in 8th Grade. :)