3.   Which of the following techniques to arouse curiosity would work best with junior high students?

A. Set up a curiosity corner.
B. Use a "feelie" box.
C. Use a teaser to introduce the topic.
D. Set up a discovery learning center.

I believe it is letter D, but I'm not positive. I was wondering if someone could verify it for me. Please. 

C is by far the best answer. The others are appropriate for much younger children.

Thank you very much Ms. Sue! (:

To determine which technique might work best with junior high students to arouse curiosity, we can analyze each option:

A. Setting up a curiosity corner: This technique involves creating a designated area in the classroom where students can explore and discover interesting objects, artifacts, or resources related to the topics they are studying. While this can be effective for stimulating curiosity, it may be more suitable for younger students rather than junior high students who might prefer more interactive or engaging activities.

B. Using a "feelie" box: A "feelie" box is a tool that contains various items that students can touch and feel to engage their senses and ignite curiosity. This tactic can be useful for younger students, but may not be as effective with junior high students who might require more intellectually stimulating approaches.

C. Using a teaser to introduce the topic: This technique involves providing students with a brief hint or introduction to a topic or concept, without giving away too much information. Teasers can engage students' curiosity by creating a sense of mystery and intrigue, encouraging them to explore and find out more about the subject. This approach can be particularly effective with junior high students who are at an age where they tend to question and seek out information.

D. Setting up a discovery learning center: A discovery learning center is a designated area within the classroom where students can engage in hands-on activities, experiments, and exploration related to a specific topic. This technique allows students to actively participate in their own learning and discover knowledge through firsthand experience. Setting up a discovery learning center can be highly effective in arousing curiosity among junior high students, as it promotes a sense of ownership and engagement in the learning process.

Based on the above analysis, option D, setting up a discovery learning center, seems to be the most suitable technique for junior high students to arouse curiosity. However, it is important to consider the specific characteristics and interests of the students in your classroom, as individual preferences may vary.

If you would like further verification or information, it is recommended to consult educational research, pedagogical studies, or experienced educators who specialize in working with junior high students for more in-depth guidance.