Factor (y+2)^2-81

difference of squares ...

( (y+2) + 9)( (y+2) - 9)
= (y+11)(y-7)

Thank you so much!!

To factor the expression (y+2)^2 - 81, we can use a difference of squares formula.

Step 1: Recognize the Difference of Squares Formula
The difference of squares formula states that for any two numbers a and b, the expression a^2 - b^2 can be factored as (a + b)(a - b).

Step 2: Identify the Values for 'a' and 'b'
In our expression (y+2)^2 - 81, we have (y+2)^2 as a^2 and 81 as b^2. Therefore, 'a' is equal to (y+2) and 'b' is equal to 9 (since 9^2 = 81).

Step 3: Apply the Difference of Squares Formula
Using the formula from Step 1, we can factor the expression as follows:


Step 4: Simplify the Factors
Simplifying the factors, we get:

(y + 2 + 9)(y + 2 - 9)

which further simplifies to:

(y + 11)(y - 7)

So, the expression (y+2)^2 - 81 can be factored as (y + 11)(y - 7).