Joelle works a part time at a grocery store to earn extra money to buy a furniture set that costs 1200 dollars She currently has 750 saved and wants to add 35 dollars each week from her paycheck

Write an inequality that could be used to determine w the number of weeks she will have to save plus her savings in order for her to have more than 1200


Yes, your inequality is correct!

To explain, let's break down the parts of the inequality:
- "750" represents the amount of money Joelle already has saved.
- "35w" represents the amount of money she will save each week. The variable "w" represents the number of weeks she will save for.
- ">1200" expresses the goal to have more than $1200 in total.

When you substitute "w" with the number of weeks, this inequality will determine if the sum of Joelle's initial savings and the additional savings from her paycheck each week is greater than $1200. If the inequality is true, it means that Joelle will have more than $1200 and can afford the furniture set.