who invented music.

There is no one who is known for inventing music. I imagine the cave men beat sticks on a rock and enjoyed the sound... They probably also blew on a reed and found it made noise. Mama cave women probably crooned to babies and found it put them to sleep. I believe that music is part of the "human condition".

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. In addition to GuruBlue's answer, I think you will enjoy the following:


The invention of music cannot be attributed to any one person. It is believed to have originated from various cultures and evolved over thousands of years. Music is part of the human condition, a universal expression of emotions and creativity.

If you are interested in learning more about the history of music and its origins, I recommend conducting further research. You can find books, articles, and online resources that delve into the topic. Additionally, visiting libraries, music museums, and attending music history courses or lectures can provide valuable insights into the development of music throughout human history.