
-3 to the 3 power is -27
subtract -27 - -8 = -19
multiply by -2 =38
is this right please help

Use BODMAS rule
So the answer is

To solve the expression (-3)^3 - (-8)(-2), you need to apply the order of operations or the BODMAS rule. This rule states that you should solve operations within parentheses first, then exponents, multiplication, and division from left to right, and finally addition and subtraction from left to right.

First, let's calculate (-3)^3. To raise a number to a power, you multiply the base number by itself as many times as the exponent indicates. So, (-3)^3 means multiplying -3 by itself three times, resulting in -3 * -3 * -3 = -27.

Next, we have the expression -8 * -2. Multiply these two negative numbers together gives you a positive result, so -8 * -2 = 16.

Finally, substitute the calculated values back into the original expression:

(-3)^3 - (-8)(-2) becomes -27 - 16.

Now, subtract -27 from -16, which gives you -43.

Therefore, the correct answer is -43.