How do you estimate using rounding or compatible numbers like 0.97x312?

1 * 300 = 300


To estimate using rounding or compatible numbers, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the numbers you are working with. In this case, the numbers are 0.97 and 312.

Step 2: Round the numbers to more convenient values. In our example, we can round 0.97 to 1 and 312 to 300.

Step 3: Multiply the rounded numbers. Multiply 1 and 300 together to get the estimated product.

1 x 300 = 300

Therefore, using rounding or compatible numbers, the estimated product of 0.97 x 312 is 300.

To estimate using rounding or compatible numbers like 0.97x312, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the compatible numbers. In this case, the compatible numbers could be rounded versions of the given numbers. For example, you can round 0.97 to 1 and 312 to 300.

Step 2: Perform the estimation by multiplying the compatible numbers together. In this case, 1x300 equals 300.

Step 3: Analyze the estimated result. Remember that the estimate is not the exact answer but a close approximation. In this case, the estimate for 0.97x312 is 300.

By using compatible numbers and rounding, you can quickly estimate the product of two numbers with a reasonable level of accuracy.