I have searched the internet and my books for a clear explanation of a predication. Does anyone have some advice?


If you are looking for a clear explanation of a predication in grammar, I recommend starting with the Wikipedia page on "Predicate (grammar)." This page provides a comprehensive overview of the topic and should help you gain a better understanding.

To access the Wikipedia page, you can simply type "Predicate (grammar)" into your preferred search engine. The Wikipedia link should appear as one of the top results. Clicking on the link will take you directly to the page, which will provide you with an in-depth explanation of what a predication is in grammar.

Additionally, you can refer to your grammar books to find information on this topic. Check the index or table of contents for sections that discuss predicates or predication. Look for clear definitions and examples to help you grasp the concept.

Remember, when searching online or using books, it's important to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure they are reliable and authoritative. Wikipedia is usually a good starting point, but it's always beneficial to cross-reference information from multiple sources to gain a more comprehensive understanding.