In your last 23 basketball games, you attempted 101 free throws and made 66. Find the experimental probability that you make a free throw. Write the probability as a percent, to the nearest tenth of a percent.

A. 65.3%

B. 69.8%

C. 69.7%

D. 65.7%


To find the experimental probability of making a free throw, you need to divide the number of successful attempts (66) by the total number of attempts (101).

Experimental probability = Number of successful outcomes / Total number of outcomes

In this case, the number of successful outcomes is 66 (successful free throws) and the total number of outcomes is 101 (total free throw attempts).

Experimental probability = 66 / 101 ≈ 0.653

To convert the decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100:

0.653 * 100 = 65.3%

So, the experimental probability of making a free throw is 65.3%.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 65.3%.