how do you determine wich metal is the best conductor of heat?

by its sepacific heat, or mass or what?

specific heat can be used.

Best conductor? You have to take a rod, heat one end, and record how the temperature along the rod increases. Or you can look up the metals thermal conductivity, and just use that.

by using the specific heat i can find the conductivilty, right? but the most conductuble metal is one with low or high sepcific heat?
thanks by the way :)


I wanted to say that the high heat capacity had low conductivity. I looked up metals Cp and their thermal conductivity and found three or four examples at random.
Al Cp=0.9 J*g/K conduc = 2.37
Cu Cp=0.4 J*g/K conduc = 4.01
Fe Cp=0.5 J*g/K conduc = 0.802
Pb Cp=0.13J*g/K conduc = 0.35

So I don't see a correlation here.

Me neither, my guess will be that conductivity is measure by something else.
but thanks for helping

You're welcome! Conductivity is actually a measure of how well a material allows heat to flow through it. It is not directly related to specific heat, which is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount.

To determine the best conductor of heat, you can use the thermal conductivity values of different metals. Thermal conductivity is a property of a material that measures how easily it transfers heat. Metals generally have high thermal conductivities compared to other materials.

One way to determine the best conductor of heat is by conducting a heat conduction experiment. You can take a rod made of different metals, heat one end of the rod, and record how the temperature changes along the length of the rod. The metal that shows the most even and rapid increase in temperature is likely to be the best conductor of heat.

Alternatively, you can refer to tables or databases that provide the thermal conductivity values of various metals. These values are determined through scientific measurements and experiments. The higher the thermal conductivity value, the better the metal is at conducting heat.

Keep in mind that factors like purity, structure, and temperature can also affect the conductivity of a metal. Therefore, it's essential to consider multiple sources of data and conduct experiments under controlled conditions for accurate results.