Leadership is best defined as the

A. ability to influence people to willingly follow one’s guidance or adhere to
one’s decisions.
B. ability to influence, command, or apply force.
C. ability to avoid being forced by others to do what he or she doesn’t want to do.
D. right to issue directives and expend resources.

i answered A

Yes, of course.

thank Ms. Sue!

You're very welcome, Mike.

Great job! You selected option A, which is the correct answer.

Leadership is best defined as the ability to influence people to willingly follow one's guidance or adhere to one's decisions. It involves having the competence and skills to motivate, inspire, and guide others towards a common goal or vision. Effective leaders are able to build trust, empower their team members, and facilitate collaboration and cooperation.

To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to have a clear understanding of the concept of leadership. You may have reached this conclusion by considering the different aspects of leadership and eliminating the other options.

Option B, the ability to influence, command, or apply force, may be more aligned with the concept of authority or coercion rather than leadership. Leadership involves inspiring and motivating individuals to take independent action willingly, without relying on force or commanding them.

Option C, the ability to avoid being forced by others to do what he or she doesn't want to do, is more related to personal autonomy or assertiveness rather than leadership. Leadership is about influencing others, not solely focused on individual resistance.

Option D, the right to issue directives and expend resources, is more closely related to a position of authority or managerial power rather than leadership. While leaders may have the decision-making authority and allocation of resources, leadership is more about motivating and influencing others to achieve a common objective.

Overall, your selection of option A demonstrates a good understanding of the essential characteristics of leadership.