name something so small that you won't expect it to happen

ex: death

death is small?

I don't understand your question.

the chances of something that is going to happen to u is really small


Getting hit by lighting, then slipping on a banana, then floating in thin air while a pandacorn eats ur converse!!


Ahh! Thanks for the clarification. However, as an octogenarian, I know death will happen.

Being hit by a meteor?
Drowning in the bathtub?
Being elected Miss America?
Being accepted at Harvard?

Great, Yolo! :-)

Haha, thxx :p

Something so small that you might not expect it to happen could be a single snowflake falling from the sky. While snowflakes are generally considered to be small, the idea that something so tiny can have an impact might not immediately come to mind. To see this happen, you can simply observe a snowy day or create your own snowflake by freezing water vapor in a controlled environment.