a description of how you would implement each of the three best approaches at the hospital. Create a distinct, 100- to 200-word plan for each approach. Identify in each of the three plans if you would use one or more of the following four approaches to managing organizational change:1. Lewin’s Three-Step Model

2. Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan for Implementing Change
3. Action Research
4. Action Research

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Approach 1:

To implement the first approach at the hospital, we could use Lewin's Three-Step Model to manage organizational change effectively. The first step would be to unfreeze the current state by creating awareness among the hospital staff about the need for change. This could be achieved by organizing town hall meetings, sending out memos, and conducting training sessions to help employees understand the benefits of the proposed changes.

Next, we would move to the second step, which is the transition phase. Here, we would introduce the necessary changes in small steps, allowing employees to adapt gradually. This could involve establishing cross-functional teams, implementing new processes and procedures, and providing support and resources to help employees adjust to the change.

Finally, in the third step, we would refreeze the new state, ensuring that the changes become a part of the hospital's culture and are sustained over time. This could be done through regular communication, performance feedback, and recognition of employees' efforts in embracing the changes.

Approach 2:

For the second approach, we could employ Kotter's Eight-Step Plan for Implementing Change. Firstly, we would create a sense of urgency by highlighting the need for change based on market trends, patient demands, or financial constraints. This step would involve conducting internal assessments and sharing data that supports the urgency for change.

Secondly, we would build a guiding coalition, a diverse team that has enough power and influence to drive the change process. This team would champion the change, communicate the vision, and provide support to those impacted by the change.

Next, we would develop a clear vision and strategy. This step requires outlining the desired state of the hospital, its objectives, and the action plan to achieve them. Effective communication and engagement with staff and other stakeholders would be crucial to gain their support.

From there, we would communicate the vision widely and empower employees to act on the changes. This would involve providing the necessary resources, training, and support to ensure successful implementation.

We would then generate short-term wins to demonstrate progress and keep the momentum going. Recognizing and celebrating achievements along the way would help motivate staff and reinforce the benefits of the change.

After that, we would consolidate the gains and keep pushing for more change. This step involves continuously reassessing and readjusting the strategy, as well as addressing any barriers or resistance that may arise.

Finally, we would anchor the changes in the organizational culture, ensuring they become the new norm. This would entail incorporating the changes into performance management systems, training programs, and other relevant practices.

Approach 3:

The third approach could utilize the Action Research model for managing organizational change. Action Research involves deploying a cyclical process of observation, reflection, planning, and action.

This approach would start by identifying the need for change within the hospital. This could involve collecting data on current challenges, conducting surveys or interviews, and identifying specific areas that require improvement.

Once the need for change is established, a research plan would be developed. This plan would outline the specific steps and interventions needed to address the identified issues. It would involve gathering additional data, identifying potential solutions, and outlining the criteria for evaluating the success of the change.

The next step would involve implementing the planned interventions or changes. This could include training programs, process improvements, or the introduction of new technology. During this stage, regular monitoring and data collection are crucial to assess the effectiveness of the changes.

After implementing the changes, the organization would then evaluate their impact. This would involve analyzing data, comparing it with the initial observations, and identifying areas of success and areas that still require improvement.

Based on the evaluation, appropriate adjustments would be made to optimize the effectiveness of the changes. This could involve modifying the interventions, revising the implementation plan, or providing additional training or support to staff.

Overall, the Action Research approach would provide a systematic method for identifying, implementing, and evaluating changes within the hospital, allowing for ongoing improvement and adaptation.