7. Find the sum.

–14 + 7 + (–3)

–10 ***

8. A scuba diver descends 350 feet and then another 120 feet. Express the diver’s final depth as an integer.

–420 ft
420 ft **
–470 ft
470 ft

7 is right. 8 is wrong.

6. 470



Wow! You got it on the third try!

Ms. Sue could you please answer my question on math?

7. To find the sum of -14, 7, and -3, you simply add these numbers together.

-14 + 7 + (-3) = -10

Therefore, the correct answer is -10.

8. To express the scuba diver's final depth as an integer, you need to add the depths he descended.

-350 ft + (-120 ft) = -470 ft

Therefore, the correct answer is -470 ft.