3. Write a numerical expression to represent the following: Margot took $45 with her to the amusement park. She spent $20 on lunch and spent $5 to rent an inner tube. Then find the sum.

45 + (–20) + (–5); 15
45 + (–20) + 5; 30
(–45) + (–20) + (–5); –70
45 + (–20) + (–5); 20
4. Compare the integer statements. Use >, <, or = to complete the statement.

(–10)+ 2 ⎕ (–2)+ 10
(–10) + 2 < (–2) + 10
(–10) + 2 > (–2) + 10
(–10) + 2 = (–2) + 10
(–10) + 2 ≥ (–2) + 10


Use the order of operations to simplify the expression.

–18 + (–4) + 20 + (–3)

The Answer is negative 5. Can you please show me how to get the answer?

What are your answers for 3 and 4?

–18 + (–4) + 20 + (–3)

-22 + 17 = -5

3. D


Yes. 3 and 4 are correct.

3. To write a numerical expression to represent the given scenario, we can add up the amounts Margot spent at the amusement park.

The expression "45 + (-20) + (-5)" represents Margot's initial amount of $45, minus $20 for lunch, and minus $5 for renting an inner tube.

To find the sum, we evaluate the expression:

45 + (-20) + (-5) = 20

So, the sum of Margot's expenses at the amusement park is $20.

4. To compare the integer statements, we need to evaluate both sides in order to determine the relationship.

For the statement "(-10) + 2 ⎕ (-2) + 10," we can simplify both the left side and the right side:

(-10) + 2 = -8
(-2) + 10 = 8

Now we can compare the simplified values:

-8 < 8

So, the correct symbol to complete the statement is "<", making the final comparison (-10) + 2 < (-2) + 10.

5. To simplify the expression using the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS), we follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify within parentheses.
-18 + (-4) + 20 + (-3)

Step 2: Add or subtract from left to right.
-18 + (-4) = -22
-22 + 20 = -2
-2 + (-3) = -5

Therefore, the simplified expression -18 + (-4) + 20 + (-3) equals -5.