Solve the following triangle, rounding side lengths to the nearest tenth of a unit and angle measures to the nearest degree.

angle a = 153 degrees, b= 5, a=10.5


To solve the triangle, we can use the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines. Let's begin with the Law of Sines:

The Law of Sines states that the ratio of the length of a side of a triangle to the sine of its opposite angle is constant. In equation form, it is:

a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC

Given angle A = 153 degrees and side a = 10.5, we can find angle B using the Law of Sines. Let's calculate it:

sinB = (sinA * b) / a
sinB = (sin(153) * 5) / 10.5
sinB ≈ 0.7295

To find angle B, we take the inverse sine of 0.7295:

B ≈ arcsin(0.7295)
B ≈ 47 degrees

Now we can use the Law of Sines again to find side b:

b/sinB = a/sinA
b/sin(47) = 10.5/sin(153)
b ≈ (10.5 * sin(47)) / sin(153)
b ≈ 6.4

So, side b ≈ 6.4.

Next, we can use the Law of Cosines to find side c. The Law of Cosines relates the lengths of the sides of a triangle to the cosine of one of its angles. In equation form, it is:

c² = a² + b² - 2ab * cosC

Given side a = 10.5, side b ≈ 6.4, and angle C = 180 - A - B, we can find side c. Let's calculate it:

C = 180 - A - B
C = 180 - 153 - 47
C = -20

To calculate side c using the Law of Cosines:

c² = 10.5² + 6.4² - 2 * 10.5 * 6.4 * cos(-20)
c ≈ √(10.5² + 6.4² - 2 * 10.5 * 6.4 * cos(-20))
c ≈ 9.1

So, side c ≈ 9.1.

In summary, the triangle with angle a = 153 degrees, side b = 5, and side a = 10.5 has side lengths rounded to the nearest tenth:

side a ≈ 10.5 units
side b ≈ 6.4 units
side c ≈ 9.1 units
angle A ≈ 153 degrees
angle B ≈ 47 degrees
angle C ≈ -20 degrees

To solve the triangle, we will first find the missing angles using the Law of Cosines and Law of Sines. Then, we can use the Law of Sines again to find the missing side lengths.

Given information:
Angle A = 153 degrees
Side b = 5 units
Side c = 10.5 units

Using the Law of Cosines, we can find angle B:

cos(B) = (a^2 + c^2 - b^2) / (2 * a * c)
cos(B) = (10.5^2 + 5^2 - 10)^2 / (2 * 10.5 * 5)
cos(B) = (110.25 + 25 - 100) / (105)
cos(B) = 35.25 / 105
cos(B) = 0.3357

B = arccos(0.3357)
B ≈ 70.3 degrees

Next, we can find angle C by subtracting angles A and B from 180 degrees:

C = 180 - A - B
C = 180 - 153 - 70.3
C ≈ -43.3 degrees

Since angle C is negative, it means that the triangle is not valid. The sum of the angles of a triangle must always be 180 degrees. In this case, there might have been an error in the given values. Please double-check your values, and if you need further assistance, feel free to ask.