8. in which sentence is the word gesture used correctly ( 1 point)

A.Smiling, she extended her hand in a gesture of friendship.
B.Tired from a long day of work, I put my gesture down on the table wearily.****
C.He called for a gesture next Tuesday, and all employees are to attend.
D.In preparation for my trip, i packed my gesture and a change of clothes.


Check the definition of "gesture."

ohh okay so it must be A?

my second choice is A

A is correct.

The correct sentence in which the word "gesture" is used correctly is sentence A: "Smiling, she extended her hand in a gesture of friendship."

To determine the correct answer, it is important to understand the meaning of the word "gesture." A gesture refers to a physical movement or action that conveys meaning or communicates something without using words. In this context, it is clear that sentence A uses the word correctly because it describes someone extending their hand in a friendly gesture.

On the other hand, sentences B, C, and D use the word "gesture" incorrectly because they do not adhere to the definition and appropriate usage of the word. In sentence B, the phrase "put my gesture down on the table wearily" does not make sense as it does not convey any meaning related to gestures. In sentence C, the phrase "called for a gesture" does not align with the context of gestures being physical actions. In sentence D, the phrase "packed my gesture" implies that a gesture can be packed, which is not typical usage of the term.

Hence, the correct answer is sentence A.